TERMS OF THE SALE: We Accept Cash or Check (w/Photo ID). There is a 10% Buyers Premium. Everything is Sold As-Is/Where Is so look at it good before you buy it. We Offer Absentee Written Bid Forms for anyone unable to attend the auction.
Jimbo Watford, Auctioneer
AU1843 AB 1583
Everything is sold as-is, where-is, with no guarantee unless otherwise specified. Please look closely at everything before you bid it.
Preview is available starting at 10:00 am on the day of the auction. Please come look at the items you are interested in before the auction begins so you can be sure they are suitable for your needs. You can also view photos of the Friday Night Sale or Saturday Night Sale on our website as well... (I'm still learning this website) You can also preview photos throughout the week on Facebook at Jimbo Watford's page and at www.auctionzip.com (our zip is 34974 and our auctions are on Friday & Sat. Nights).
We are available for additional pick up the morning after the auction from 9:00 - 10:00 am. Please bring help to load. If you are picking up Winning Absentee Bids, please bring correct dollar amount or check with ID made payable to JIM WATFORD.
There are concessions available on both Friday and Saturday Nights. A portion of the proceeds will go towards the Children's Ministry Outreach Program at the Okeechobee Church of God and DC Ranch. You can view the Menu for Friday Night Auction on the day of the sale here.
Consignments: We accept quality consignments (at the discretion of the auctioneer). Large Estate? Let's talk about an Onsite Estate Auction.
No Pets - Please keep your pets at home unless they are registered service animals.
Vehicles - Please be sure to secure your valuables and lock your vehicles. Also, please do not park in the Eli's parking lot across the street, as you may be towed at your own expense.